Ariana Rosales


I became an educator because… of the influence of both my 11th and 12th grade ELA teachers. I admired the way that they demonstrated so much passion and care for teaching. They showed me just how valuable and impactful a teacher can be on a student’s life. They also made learning ELA fun! Thanks to that passion they demonstrated, I’m now teaching ELA with the hopes to be a great educator!

Prior to Equitas, I… was working for an after-school program. I was the assistant supervisor, so I was essentially in charge of running the after-school program alongside my supervisor. I enjoyed working as an assistant supervisor because it led me to work with all the students from grades 5-8. I also worked as an ELA tutor for 1st-3rd graders. Working as a tutor gave me my first experience being in my own classroom with my own group of students. I have been lucky enough to work with a wide range of grade levels because of my previous work.

Ms. Rosales headshot

Martha Padilla


Dianna Johnson